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Antioxidants can greatly increase the use value of plastic products

Jingmen Ruian Chemical Co.,Ltd.

Add: No. 40, 15th Street,  Fengming Lake, Country Garden  , Duodao District, Jingmen City, Hubei Province,China
Tel: +86-724-8689966     Fax:+86-724-8688966

E-mail: yann@ruianchem.com /   

 Web: m.dpovill.com

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Contact:Mr Yan  +86-13677272218
E-mail: yann@ruianchem.com /

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Contact:Ms Wen +86-18824152704

E-mail: diana@ruianchem.com

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[2017/6/17]   -  Antioxidants can greatly increase the use value of plastic products
[2017/6/14]   -  Welcome to Jingmen Ruian Chemical Co.,Ltd.
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  Add:No. 40, 15th Street,  Fengming Lake, Country Garden Phase 1 , Duodao District, Jingmen City, Hubei Province,China  

Contact: Tel:+86-724-8689966 Fax:+86-724-8688966   E_mail: yann@ruianchem.com / richard@ruianchem.com

  Superiorproducts:Ultravioletlightabsorber   Antioxidant  Aluminumchloride  Phosphorousacid  Methylp-tolylsulfone?  Tosylchloride  
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